Work Less PROFIT More Business Podcast

Ep. 136 – 7 Costly Scaling Mistakes to Avoid

Diana Lidstone Season 4 Episode 136

Are you ready to become the true CEO of your business?

You’re ready for more freedom but:

  • You find your calendar is always full 
  • You can’t seem to find time to build the systems & structures that would streamline your business
  • You’ve been struggling to set boundaries with your team
  • You can’t seem to take even a couple of days away without feeling stressed or guilty

Well, my friend – then welcome to this week’s podcast series GET OUT OF THE WEEDS & back into the driver’s seat where each day I’ll share with you how to stop being Chief Everything Officer and instead build a self-running engine.

We kicked the week off with

  • Mon, Ep. 134 – The Growth Trap: How to Take the Pain Out of Growing Your Biz (listen here)
  • Tues, Ep. 135 – The M-Myth: Why Doing More Isn’t the Answer (listen here)
  • Wed, Ep. 136 – 7 Scaling Mistakes to Avoid
  • Thurs, Ep. 137 – Scale Sustainably: How to Build Your Self-Running Engine
  • Friday – No episode but I’m hosting a LinkedIn Live where you get to come on live with me and ask your questions – on the spot!!!


While today I cover the 7 most common and most costly scaling mistakes, remember that building a sustainably profitable business is about always up-levelling your mindset and learning new skills.

To scale a business, it’s about shifting from the doer in your business to the leader of your company!

Entrepreneurs who earn 10x more don’t work 10x harder!

Scaling your company will require you to:

  1. Slow down before you scale
  2. Simplify, starting with your offers
  3. Stabilize & optimize to create cash flow reserves
  4. Invest in your business
  5. Rinse & repeat
  6. CTA

I’m a best-selling author, award-winning speaker and podcast host. After almost 40 years as an entrepreneur, I’m best known for my straight-talk, no BS and the simple business and marketing strategies that bring my clients more joy, profit and freedom.  This podcast offers tips and strategies for small business owners who are tired of working too hard for too little profit, and having little or no free time.

Connect with me here:

Work with me:

I am only accepting private clients in my 12-month Business Accelerator program (here) or

By booking a VIP Grow Day which is an intensive session designed to give you my undivided attention and acceleration to accomplish something extremely fast. More information here.

Share your feedback with me by clicking here and leaving a short voice message!

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